gross domestic product deflator 意味

発音を聞く:   gross domestic product deflatorの例文
  • GDP デフレーター◆名目 GDP を実質 GDP で割った値。経済全体の物価動向を示す。



  1. "gross domestic output" 意味
  2. "gross domestic product" 意味
  3. "gross domestic product (gdp)" 意味
  4. "gross domestic product by industries" 意味
  5. "gross domestic product by kind of activity" 意味
  6. "gross domestic product growth for member states" 意味
  7. "gross domestic product growth per capita" 意味
  8. "gross domestic product growth rate" 意味
  9. "gross domestic product growth this year" 意味
  10. "gross domestic product by industries" 意味
  11. "gross domestic product by kind of activity" 意味
  12. "gross domestic product growth for member states" 意味
  13. "gross domestic product growth per capita" 意味

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